The Frontiers in Cancer and Reproduction course (Jordan, November 4-11, 2018) is structured as a one-week course with both lectures and hands-on laboratory work. World-renowned faculty will guide the participants through a variety of laboratory techniques in stem cells, reproductive biology and cancer.
Frontiers in Cancer and Reproduction-Jordan is funded by generous grants from The Hashemite University, The American Embassy/Amman, the International Cell Research Organization, a UNESCO affiliated scientific society, and The Jordanian Society for Fertility and Genetics.
The areas of benefits for participants are:
- Cancer, reproduction and stem cell research.
- Career development and career alternatives.
- Ethical, legal and social implications of stem cell research.
- One on one training in laboratory methods pertaining to stem cells, reproductive biology and cancer.
We welcome applications from graduate students, postdoctoral and clinical fellows as well as junior faculty in particular from the Middle East region. Sixteen participants will be selected from a competitive admissions pool. While the laboratory sessions are limited to accepted participants, lectures are open to public attendance.